
Supervisor Training for Busy, Practical People

Supervisors face myriad challenges in their daily roles, many of which are unpredictable. These people are the lynch-pins to keeping the organization operating smoothly. They organize and manage the doers to make sure the right things are being done in the right way at the right time. They communicate up, down and across the organization.

Our interactive, fast-paced training builds skills as effective individual and team leaders, coaches and problem solvers that participants can apply on the job immediately. Our approach pushes participants to learn and practice new tools and techniques in the classroom, placing them in the most difficult situations, as both supervisors and employees, and work together to diagnose the situation.

Participants learn situational fluency, the ability to size up the current situation and confidently achieve performance with each employee and as a group. Learning the critical skill of watching and listening to employees, participants are able to analyze situations and think through implications before acting. Effective supervisors use situational fluency to earn the trust with each of their employees and the group as a whole. Primary topics covered include:

  • One-to-one and group communication
  • Time management
  • Delegation and organization
  • Building trust and respect
  • Conflict resolution
  • Accountability
  • Identify personal strengths/weaknesses
  • Team dynamics
  • Setting and confirming expectations
training workshop

Fueling People who Drive Business Results

Higher Employee Retention

Faster Speed to Market

Better Quality

Higher Customer Retention

Stronger Productivity

Higher Profitability

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Overcome today’s toughest challenges – retention, productivity, satisfaction, quality, speed